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deep rooted
 adj.  根深蒂固的。   detail>>
根深蒂固的 深根的  detail>>
rooted deep
深的  detail>>
a deep-rooted concept
一个根深蒂固的观念  detail>>
deep rooted plant
深根作物  detail>>
deep-rooted bad habit
劣根性  detail>>
deep-rooted bad habits
劣根性  detail>>
deep-rooted carbuncle
痼痈  detail>>
deep-rooted crop
深根性作物  detail>>
deep-rooted culturally
文化底蕴深厚  detail>>
deep-rooted structural imbalance
深层次矛盾  detail>>
a deep-rooted love for natural charms
泉石膏肓  detail>>
deep-rooted ulcer in the lumbar region
下发背  detail>>
be rooted in
深植于  detail>>
 adj.  生了根的;有根的;根深蒂固的;固定的。  adv.  -ly   detail>>
as if rooted to the spot
彷佛生了根似的站住不动  detail>>
hairy rooted
毛根的  detail>>
membrane rooted
膜质根的  detail>>